Academie Verloskunde Maastricht

Marianne Nieuwenhuijze

Titles PhD
Function Professor Midwifery
Work days mon-fri
Phone 0031-43-3885411

Marianne Nieuwenhuijze was appointed professor Midwifery upon the establishment of the Research Centre for Midwifery Science in 2007. She initially worked as a clinical midwife and as a primary care midwife in a group practice, which marked the beginning of her extensive career within the midwifery domain, and the beginning of her interest in scientific research and the scientific underpinning of midwifery practice.

She participates in the development of midwifery education at Zuyd University, and, on behalf of the KNOV, she was a member of the working group responsible for updating the National Obstetric Indication List (VIL). She participates in national and international research projects and is the official Dutch representative in the European COST Action: Childbirth - Cultures, Concerns and Consequences.

Thompson, S. M., et al. (2019). "Creating Guardians of Physiologic Birth: The Development of an Educational Initiative for Student Midwives in the Netherlands." J Midwifery Womens Health.

Molenaar J, Korstjens I, Hendrix M, de Vries R, Nieuwenhuijze M. Needs of parents and professionals to improve shared decision‐making in interprofessional maternity care practice: A qualitative study, Birth, 2018; 45 (3): 245-254,2018.

Weltens M, de Nooijer J, Nieuwenhuijze MJ. Influencing factors in midwives'decisionmaking during childbirth: A qualitative study in the Netherlands. Women and Birth

Gottfredsdottir H, Nieuwenhuijze MJ. Midwifery education: Challenges for the future in a dynamic environment. Midwifery. 2018;59:78-9-.

Daemers DOA, van Limbeek EBM, Wijnen HAA, Nieuwenhuijze MJ, de Vries RG. Factors influencing the clinical decision-making of midwives: a qualitative study. BMC pregnancy and childbirth. 2017;17(1):345.

Merkx A, Ausems M, Bude L, de Vries R, Nieuwenhuijze MJ. Factors affecting perceived change in physical activity in pregnancy. Midwifery. 2017;51:16-23.

Merkx A, Ausems M, de Vries R, Nieuwenhuijze MJ. Come On! Using intervention mapping to help healthy pregnant women achieve healthy weight gain. Public Health Nutr. 2017:1-15.

Daemers DO, van Limbeek EB, Bude LM, Wijnen HA, Nieuwenhuijze MJ, de Vries RG. The use of midwife-led primary antenatal care by obese women in The Netherlands: An explorative cohort study. Midwifery. 2016.

Cadee F, Nieuwenhuijze MJ, Lagro Janssen AL, De Vries R. The state of the art of twinning, a concept analysis of twinning in healthcare. Global Health. 2016;12(1):66.

Thompson, S., et al. (2016). "Exploring Dutch midwives' attitudes to promoting physiological childbirth: A Qualitative Study." Midwifery 09(19).

Fontein Y, Ausems M, Bude L, Van Limbeek EBM, De Vries R, Nieuwenhuijze M. Factors influencing maternal distress among Dutch women with a healthy pregnancy. Women and Birth. 2015;28(3):e36-e43.

Fontein Y, Ausems M, de Vries R, Nieuwenhuijze M. The effect of Wazzup Mama?! An antenatal intervention to prevent or reduce maternal distress in pregnancy. Archives of Womens Ment Health [Internet]. 2016

Daemers DO, Wijnen H, Van Limbeek EBM, Bude L, Nieuwenhuijze M, M.E.A. S. The effect of gestational weight gain on likelihood of referral to obstetric care for women eligible form primary, midwife-led care after antenatal booking. Midwifery. 2016;34:123-32

Merkx A, Ausems M, Bude L, de Vries R, Nieuwenhuijze M. Dutch Midwives' Behavior and Determinants in Promoting Healthy Gestational Weight Gain, Phase 2: A Quantitative Approach. International Journal of Childbirth. 2015;5(3).

Merkx A, Ausems M, Bude L, de Vries R, Nieuwenhuijze M. Dutch Midwives' Behavior and Determinants in Promoting Healthy Gestational Weight Gain, Phase 1: A Qualitative Approach. International Journal of Childbirth. 2015;5(3). DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2015.04.008

Nieuwenhuijze M, Downe S, Gottfreðsdóttir H, Rijnders M, du Preez A, Vaz Rebelo P. Taxonomy for complexity theory in the context of maternity care. Midwifery. 2015;10.

Merkx A, Ausems M, Bude L, de Vries R, Nieuwenhuijze M. Weight gain in healthy pregnant women in relation to pre-pregnancy BMI, diet and physical activity. Midwifery. 2015

van Haaren-ten Haken T, Hendrix M, Smits L, Nieuwenhuijze M, Severens J, de Vries R, et al. The influence of preferred place of birth on the course of pregnancy and labor among healthy nulliparous women: a prospective cohort study. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth. 2015, 15:33

Nieuwenhuijze MJ, Korstjens I, de Jonge A, de Vries R, Lagro-Janssen A. On speaking terms: a Delphi study on shared decision-making in maternity care. BMC pregnancy and childbirth. 2014;14:223. PubMed PMID: 25008286. Pubmed Central PMCID: 4104734.

van Haaren-ten Haken T, Pavlova M, Hendrix M, Nieuwenhuijze M, de Vries R, Nijhuis J. Eliciting prefences for key attributes of intrapartum care in The Netherlands. Birth. 2014(41);2:185-194.

Nieuwenhuijze M, Kane Low L, Korstjens I, Lagro-Janssen T. The role of maternity care providers in promoting shared decision making regarding birthing positions during the second stage of labor. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health. 2014;00:1-9. doi:10.1111/jmwh.12187

Daemers DO, Wijnen HA, Van Limbeek EBM, Budé LM, Nieuwenhuijze M, M. S, et al. The impact of obesity outcomes of midwife-led pregnancy and childbirth in a primary care population: a prospective cohort study. BJOG. 2014;121(11):1403-13.

Spelten E, Nieuwenhuijze M. Midwifery Research in the Netherlands: Gaining Momentum. International Journal of Childbirth. 2013;3(4).

Fontein-Kuipers YJ, Nieuwenhuijze MJ, Ausems M, Budé L, de Vries R. Antenatal interventions to reduce maternal distress: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials. BJOG, 2014; DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.12500

de Vries R, Nieuwenhuijze M, Buitendijk SE, the members of Midwifery Science Work Group. What does it take to have a strong and independent profession of midwifery? Lessons from the Netherlands. 2013;29:1122-1128

Nieuwenhuijze M, Low LK. Facilitating Women’s Choice in Maternity Care. The Journal of Clinical Ethics. 2013;24:276-82.

Fontein-Kuipers YJ, Budé L. Ausems M, de Vries R, Nieuwenhuijze MJ. Dutch midwives' behavioural intentions of antenatal management of maternal distress and factors influencing these intentions: An exploratory survey. Midwifery, 2013.

Nieuwenhuijze MJ, de Jonge A, Korstjens I, Budé L, Lagro-Janssen TLM. Influence on birthing positions affects women’s sense of control in second stage of labour. Midwifery, 2013.

Christiaens W, Nieuwenhuijze MJ, de Vries R. Trends in the medicalisation of childbirth in Flanders and the Netherlands. Midwifery, 2013;29:e1-e8.

van Haaren-ten Haken T, Hendrix M, Nieuwenhuijze M, Budé L, de Vries R, Nijhuis J. Preferred place of birth: Characteristics and motives of low-risk nulliparous women in the Netherlands.
Midwifery. 2012

Nieuwenhuijze M, de Jonge A, Korstjens I, Lagro-Jansse T. Factors influencing the fulfillment of women's preferences for birthing positions during second stage of labor. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2012 Mar;33(1):25-31.

Seefat - van Teeffelen A, Nieuwenhuijze M, Korstjens, I. Women want proactive psychosocial support from midwives during transition to motherhood: a qualitative study. Midwifery. 2011;27:e122-127

Korstjens I, Nieuwenhuijze M. Midwifery students and graduated midwives want to develop international competences in feasible European Midwifery Master of Science. Congress International Confederation of Midwives. Durban 23 June 2011.

Nieuwenhuize M, de Jonge A, Korstjens I, Lagro,T. Women's choices in birthing positions: knowing what you want is essential. Congress International Confederation of Midwives. Durban 21 June 2011.