Studies in progress

Partners Join In! Developing and validating a new measure assessing Joint Informed Decision Making in prenatal screening

Interactive tailored video decision support about prenatal screening for counsellors, vulnerable pregnant women and their partners.

VALID study: practice VAriation in Labour InDuction
The IOL rate varies widely between VSVs. It is unknown how this practice variation arises and whether this is related to differences in care outcomes.

An educational programme to support student midwives in becoming competent and confident practitioners of physiological childbirth
The midwifery model of care is an effective model when compared with other models of care, demonstrating similar or improved outcomes achieved with fewer medical interventions when compared to traditional models of medical care.

Women’s attitudes, expectations and experiences of maternity care in the Netherlands
There is growing pressure on moving the Dutch obstetric system towards a system of integrated care in which the woman has a central position.